September 15, 2023

Bedrock Quartz, a quartz countertop installation company, discusses how quartz countertops are manufactured by suppliers.

September 11, 2023

Regular readers of our blog know that we have been doing a series of articles discussing the different types of edges customers can choose from when they purchase new countertops from Bedrock Quartz. This post continues that series with a discussion on the basic flat edge. A flat edge might not seem so fancy, but […]

September 9, 2023

American designer and architect Charles Eames said, “The details are not the details. They make up the design.” And we believe that’s true, especially regarding edging your countertops. Stone types, colors, and patterns can create a stunning visual, but the edging offers a seamless finishing touch that helps make a bold statement. On the other […]

September 9, 2023

Whether granite or quartz is better for countertops is an age-old debate. Homeowners who are loyal to one are likely to swear it’s better than the other, but how much truth is there to that statement? The best way to break down the facts is to consider the attributes and characteristics of each material. One may serve your needs […]

September 9, 2023

Quartz countertops offer elegance, intricacy, and durability that stand the test of time while simultaneously catering to your décor matching needs. They could easily last a lifetime and meet all the conditions on your checklist of requirements. You’re not alone if you’re wondering how to choose the perfect countertop for your kitchen remodel. Here are some […]

September 9, 2023

When you’re ready to upgrade your countertops, granite could be the perfect solution, bringing benefits that serve you in various ways. Beauty, performance, and durability are all essential assets that help you daily, even in busy, active homes. One of the most sought-after characteristics of this product line is the value it adds to your home. But […]

September 9, 2023

There are plenty of ways bathroom countertops can benefit your home, including visual appeal, functionality, and durability to name a few. Upgrading your bathroom with new surfaces can be one of the most rewarding aspects of your remodel. Maneuvering all the options can be daunting for homeowners who have never remodeled this space. Bedrock Quartz is […]

September 9, 2023

Kitchen countertops are one of the most critical features in a kitchen remodel, offering décor matching elegance and durability to meet your needs. That’s why it’s crucial to maintain them well once they’re in place. The more you care for these surfaces, the longer they will last, up to decades for specific materials. So, here are some […]

September 9, 2023

Quartz countertops are attractive, durable, and low maintenance, offering plenty of benefits for every household. In addition, they can last for decades before replacement is necessary and never require sealing or resealing. Some homeowners prefer these surfaces for their fantastic visual appeal and how well they blend with any décor. Here are some factors to consider […]

September 9, 2023

The bathroom is one of the most frequently used rooms in the home, and its design can greatly affect the overall aesthetic and functionality of the space. One key element of any bathroom design is the countertop. At Bedrock Quartz, we know the right bathroom countertop can enhance the look and feel of the room, […]